Everybody Can Dance
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Questioning Assumptions, Challenging Expectations: A Conversation with Lucia August
In Dance publication: June 2016
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standingOUTstanding gets 4-STAR reviews in Fest magazine and Broadway Baby!

Upon hearing that I began offering 'Everybody Can Dance' workshops, a long-time friend from college days, the late Richard Schlapia, Electronics Engineer, Washington, D.C. had this to say:
"... your love and life has been an inspiration to me. Knowing about your adventures and watching your life unfold has given me much comfort about what really is possible to experience and to share in this world that too often seems restricted and intolerant.
Convention has never overwhelmed you, and your pursuit of what often seemed unobtainable has shattered a lot of illusions for me and within me. Such boundless energy needs nurturing, and as you do things in your stride that have only seemed like barriers to me, I have grown and changed at least vicariously."